The Many Faces of War
The Greek Empire lasted for roughly 350 years, the majority of which were spent waging countless wars.
Soul Searching
Dream big
But first
Think deeply.
The intersection
These two actions
Yields both
Elevation and
The Price of the Future
Joe Biden recently made the sort of controversial decision that can make or break a leader. Ill-considered blunder? Or simply deferred enactment of a best-case-scenario playbook? We'll never know.
When Striving Ceases…
“Many people are three questions away from their worldview collapsing.”
Carey Nieuwhof's comment gives food for thought and in itself, might just be a very good thing.
The Essence of Wondering Why
Like most news junkies, rolling reports in the background are a given. Though très depressing that the teeny 1% of the broadcast that screams HOPE is lost in a miasmic minute, those 60 seconds speak LIFE, so I'm all for it!