The Price of the Future

Joe Biden recently made the sort of controversial decision that can make or break a leader.

Ill-considered blunder? Or simply deferred enactment of a best-case-scenario playbook? We'll never know.

His stories will doubtless feature the fallout arising from raising the expectations of desperate people, yet failing to deliver. Frenemies. Who'd have 'em?

Especially while the world falls apart and pulls us in unseemly directions; the line between right and wrong dazzlingly coloured ‘neutral’ or ‘relative’. Black and white redundant beside the colour of the day.

No room for absolutes. Conscious decision-making? Dated. The concept of honour foreign whilst politicians peddle disinformation; fake prosperity preachers spout falsehoods; and we plebs embrace the cycle of deception, one 'fib' at a time.

Telling a whopper when I was six and unwisely emptied a huge biscuit tin of its amazing delights then shared them in the playground was my coming-of-age moment. A birthday gift, it was technically mine; however that only works on Law & Order.

Why do big challenges come just when you’re savouring life? To learn to think carefully before you ‘do’ or ‘say’ as the consequences are not pleasant if you prevaricate.

Dundun oniyeri*... Pol Roger... Hotel Chocolat... Yum! Pleasures I wish to linger on my tongue and set my palate for the future. Having my mouth rinsed out with soap? Not so much.

Particularly apt nowadays (as the cleanliness agenda reaches stratospheric heights) is the constant reminder to avoid all kinds of dirt.

Austria’s Harakiri ski slope is said to be the steepest and scariest in the world. But when we make the decision to build a story on a lie, that run begins to lookNelike a five year old's toboggan run.

My childhood adventures in sledding brought laughter and sore limbs which made for great stories. Nevertheless, the colour, shape and form of those to come will ultimately depend on what I did or didn't do. Or say. And how that impacted others.

An elixir would not go amiss right now.



📖 Who may climb the Lord's hill or stand in his holy temple? Only those who do right for the right reasons, and don't worship idols or tell lies under oath.

Psalms 24:3‭-‬4 CEV (YouVersion)‬

*Dundun oniyęri - egg-coated yam fritters





When Striving Ceases…