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The Aftermath

The aftermath

Of a relay

In a pre-

Determined race

With a gilded baton


Changing hands

Regina to Rex

Tears and tradition

In tandem

Mournful throng

Sated and departed

Leaving their once

Coveted places

To a vaguely curious

Sundry crowd

Wandering around

Somewhat aimlessly

Cameras held aloft

Hoping to

Catch a glimpse

Of an errant servant

Or hapless scion

Behind brocade drapes

In spectral windows

But settling


For a carpet of flowers

Now piled high

Out of sight

And almost

Out of mind

What a difference

A week has wrought

How startling

The impact

A life has made

Passage and repercussion

Grasped only in reverse

A nanosecond

In history

Time twisted

Out of shape

Yet subtly moving on

Memory fading

Wounds healing

Life progressing

Purpose unaltered

New growth

To be grazed

Mowed or plowed under

Our choice

All along.



📖 Making known acharim (end-times things) from reshit (the beginning), and mikedem (from ancient times) the things that have not yet happened, saying, My etza (counsel, purpose, plan) shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure;

Yeshayah 46:10 TOJB2011 (YouVersion) 


📷 Unfiltered sky over Buckingham Palace, London SW1 - 'Yemi Akinbulumo, 24.09.2022