On the Other Side of the Mountain…
Encourage someone today.
Look past all
Present circumstances
And see the possibilities
In their near
Or distant future.
The strength
Behind the weakness;
The latent ability
Lurking in the shadows
Of supposed ineptitude;
The dreams
They dare to have
Of pushing through
The steely barriers
Holding them back
And keeping them captive;
The boldness
To live out their purpose
Despite the crippling,
Debilitating odds;
The unflagging drive
To taste
That ever elusive
Fruit of fulfilment...
Be they young
Old or middling
Friend, stranger
Or even traditionally foe
Boost, embolden, buoy
Do something
To keep the glint
In their eye alight
And the hope
In their heart afire.
Encourage. Someone. Today.
📖 You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.
Galatians 6:2 CEV (YouVersion)
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