Of Seasons…
There is a reason for each season we're in.
Even the ones that near crush us, making us question our very existence.
So, after we've cried and screamed and mourned and gotten mad and railed against the system and buried our dead and cut our losses and slept if off and woken up to face another day...
…may we always see the life-giving water at the edge of our wilderness and joyfully drink of its goodness.
It is the refreshment that comes after one storm and before the next.
Comforting and strengthening, slaking our never-ending thirst.
Because Jesus is HaChai - the Living One - and He is all we need.
📖 Everything on earth has its own time and its own season. There is a time for birth and death, planting and reaping, for killing and healing, destroying and building, for crying and laughing, weeping and dancing, for throwing stones and gathering stones, embracing and parting. There is a time for finding and losing, keeping and giving, for tearing and sewing, listening and speaking. There is also a time for love and hate, for war and peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 CEV (YouVersion)
📖 When the poor and needy are dying of thirst and cannot find water, I, the Lord God of Israel, will come to their rescue. I won't forget them. I will make rivers flow on mountain peaks. I will send streams to fill the valleys. Dry and barren land will flow with springs and become a lake.
Isaiah 41:17-18 CEV (YouVersion)
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