Oh, the relief
Of being able to
Utter the phrases
"If He hadn't..."
"Thank God I didn't..."
That many a
Man-made detour
And various
Diabolical diversions
Meandering towards
Death and destruction
Have been
Divinely averted.
One thousand and one
Scrapes and mishaps
Failures and setbacks
A litany of
Heartache and pain
The should've-beens
And should've-dones
But didn't-dos
All fair exchange
For destiny and purpose.
So now
I look for
The beauty
In the smouldering ashes
And refreshment
In the violent storm
Knowing the essence
Of my journey
Lies in passing through
Not passing by.
📖 The Lord says, ‘Remember! My thoughts are not the same as your thoughts. The way that you do things is not the same as the way that I do things. The sky is far higher than the earth. In the same way, I do things in a much better way than you do. Also, my thoughts are much higher than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8-9 EASY (YouVersion)
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