
Technology experts have long predicted that the very innovations which make us efficient now will one day soon make life more difficult.

Each upgrade/fix to a program introduces new layers which overloads the system, bringing a raft of complications. Perhaps we should be thankful that this never-ending hub of activity is largely overlooked when we opt for auto updates on our devices. Or not. Buyer beware...

We humans are no strangers to physical and mental overexertion, wearing them like a badge of honour that's measured our mettle and proven us truly steely. But it causes significant decline as well when the meaningful and true gets lost in a bewildering fog of constant motion.

Triumphant achievement gives way to niggling doubts. How did I get here? What short cuts did I take? Who did I cross? Where did I leave my set path? This should feel good, so why do I feel so lousy? Constantly ignored questions which plague our minds resulting in a thousand missteps.

If we're looking for answers to a problem that keeps reappearing in different guises, could be we need to rethink ourselves rather than the issue currently at hand.

To firstly recognise that it is a reoccurrence simply masquerading as a shiny new project to tackle and move on from. That done with, however, the real work can begin.

The gut-wrenching excavation, soul-searching, and eventual realisation that although there is a devil that appears to loom large in our affairs, it is those pesky inner demons that wreak a lot of the havoc.

We don't always cause the quandary. Nevertheless, when we do, it's good to own it and put in the necessary work to turn things round. For our own sakes, as well as kith and kin.

Is it any wonder that Sir Tim Berners-Lee* mooted the idea of a 'new' Internet? An ordered, secure back-to-basics model. Sounds just the thing.

Mental havoc is a modern-day affliction we have become accustomed to, which has no business in the lobes of intricate brains delicately wired for much better and noble activities.

I'm soooo over reinvention!

Take. Me. Back...**


📖 Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored.

Romans 8:5‭-‬8 MSG (YouVersion)

* Sir Tim Berners-Lee - Computer Scientist • Inventor of the World Wide Web

** Take Me Back - Maverick City Music feat. Dante Bowe (YouTube)

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