Hands and Heart
Does your past
Predestine your future?
Not in the least.
Grace continually
Rescues us
From such indignity
The Reason
Yoruba, like many languages, is complex and wonderful. One word can have multiple meanings in both mother and adopted tongues.
Of Light and lights
I'm guessing
This is how
Melchior, Gaspar
And Balthasar
Would've breezed
Into town
Circa 2021.
The Before and After
Much as I love using quotes, I do see the inherent danger in extracting the odd sentence from a body of carefully written text.
No, Not Woke!
No simple
Past tense here
Nor delusions of
Politically correct
Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda. Didn't.
Insidious is a word that describes many an action nowadays. Or perhaps I should say the lack of any…