Three Rs
that beneath the
varying tinges of our skin;
born in mud hut
or bespoke birthing pool;
hands intended
for spear or sceptre;
we are all born and die
in equal manner -
therefore, it behooves us
to live in harmony
in between.
not only on history,
but our actions past
how our behaviour
today and tomorrow
will affect those
we see
and speak with
every day;
help or hinder,
debilitate or enable,
disarm or affirm...
with empathy and compassion,
to the bewilderment, bitterness
hurt and affront
others feel
when misunderstood
and mistreated -
because breathing
and loving
are the verbs
we were all
born to do.
● Racial Justice Sunday, February 13th 2022
📖 One rule brings together all of the rules in God's Law. That one rule says: ‘Love other people as much as you love yourself.’
Galatians 5:14 EASY (YouVersion)
💬 “There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race. Scientifically, anthropologically, racism is a construct — a social construct.”
Toni Morrison, American novelist