Of Everyday Celebrants
I'm beginning to think helicopter moms get a bad rap.
Could it be that much of the criticism comes from folks who simply haven't got the time to do as much with their own children as they'd like?
Or perhaps lack the nerve to go out on a limb and stick to whatever parenting model they believe in, regardless of what anyone else says or thinks?
I guess it may just boil down to convictions, and the courage to stand by them.
What I do know for sure is that if I had carried a little person around for nine months and pushed it with excruciating pain through the nether regions of my body, my rotor blades would never cease spinning.
Make no mistake, in particular situations hovering caaaan be a very bad character trait.
Of the teacher who regularly takes note of the blank look on your face every time she asks a question in class, only to see you furiously scribbling on extra sheets during the exam...
Of the boss who hired you for your competence and excellent references, but regularly eschews their office for a spot just behind your right shoulder because God forbid you should actually be capable of doing the job you were headhunted for...
Of the stalker on campus who's everywhere you look without appearing to be so; lurking in the background observing everything you do and everyone you talk to simply because he can't take no for an answer...
So, while factors like curiosity, disbelief and obsession can play a major part in unreasonable behaviour, I can think of some great stuff that mothers bring to the table.
Feel the warmth and wit.
Impassioned talks accompanied by the occasional clip round the ear.
A never-ending willingness to overlook the unthinkable.
The unfailing support, teetering on the edge of cheerleading.
Soft tears plus a huge dollop of sound advice.
The ability to keep schtum when the unmentionable is in play.
The strength to go it alone when necessary, coupled with the resourcefulness to seek help when imperative.
The knowing and fearing yet nurturing and encouraging.
All the wisdom of her thousand miles imbued in her offspring and wards one step at a time.
Breath and life.
Nine months before and forever after.
A then, now and for always love.
If this is pushful, bring it on.
We can think spirals without getting it twisted.
But be they natural, step, adoptive, adopted, spiritual, in-law, or hen, we can't do life without that mother's love.
📖 Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.
Proverbs 31:31 GNT (YouVersion)
📖 My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.
Proverbs 1:8-9 NLT (YouVersion)
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