Of BATs and Other Nocturnal Creatures
The problem with autocrats, despots and tyrants - both in situ and wannabes - is that their words are usually ascribed a gravitas that far exceeds their sensibilities and competence.
They hold forth in finery purchased with purloined funds, spurting ridiculously grandiose plans which effectively eliminate 99% of the subjects that should benefit from their bespoke “for the people” government…all the while diabolically aware that the 1% who get what they’re on about have got the wherewithal not to care.
A nincompoop, nonetheless, remains a nincompoop; even if he (or his befuddled speechwriter) has consumed half the Oxford dictionary; then used local fable and sentiment in order to seduce the eager proletariat, thus adroitly ascertaining their loyalty.
However, words taken out of the context of character and circumstance are simply hollow guttural sounds; suspended in the air whilst eagerly awaiting the grasping hands of those for whom pitch and tone cannot fill their bellies, instead producing a pseudo-sated satisfaction.
Soooooo…what do we make of statesmen and politicians who have no salient words, no prominent stature, no useful achievements to offer humankind, and are still able to hover dangerously close to saviour status in the eyes of a hungry, jaded and robotic public?
I like to think of it as Stockholm-Syndrome-on-crack, as steroids are far too mild an opioid. 6000 kilometres and a whole culture away, the condition runs rampant unabated - felling prince and pauper alike; taking high & low, wise & gullible, rich & poor on a cyclical journey of oblivion.
Status be dammed, apparently; we all need someone to follow, and why not the visionless unempathetic few?! Though they lead us on a merry dance, the beat of the drum does dull the senses with compassion ~ even if the gaiety is short-lived.
But hey, as a hapless court jester once guilelessly proclaimed, “There is God!”
I couldn't agree more. There. Is. God.
Therefore, as Yoruba peeps knowingly say “K'a ṣi má wo...”
💬 “K'a ṣi má wo...” – a Yoruba expression which loosely translates as, “Let’s wait and see…”
📖 You people are in for trouble! You have made cruel and unfair laws that let you cheat the poor and needy and rob widows and orphans. But what will you do when you are fiercely attacked and punished by foreigners? Where will you run for help? Where will you hide your valuables? How will you escape being captured or killed? The Lord is still angry, and he isn't through with you yet!
Isaiah 10:1-4 CEV (YouVersion)
“‘But when he comes, he will be like a hot fire that makes metal pure. He will be like strong soap that makes clothes completely clean. Nobody will be able to stand in front of him when he appears. On that day, nobody will remain the same. He will work like a man who uses a hot fire to make gold and silver pure. He will make the Levites clean and pure. He will remove their dirt. Then they can offer proper sacrifices to the Lord. The Lord will accept the gifts that the people of Judah and Jerusalem offer to him. He will be happy with them as he was in earlier times.”
Malachi 3:2-4 EASY (YouVersion)
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