
Every man errs.

And we all unwittingly find ourselves in incomprehensible situations.

Of our own making, another's dastardly act, or quite simply divine intervention.

The fact is, whatever our status in society - or perceived lack of it - each of us is indisputably Everyman.

Imperfection, undeniable.

Predilections as predictable as night follows day.

Therefore, disapproving fingers should very hesitantly be pointed; wagging tongues bridled lest they unfurl a retaliatory storm that can't be quelled...

No-one is ever fully exempt.

Without titles, trappings, and the newly pervasive entitlement of celebrity-cum-influence, we are all just your average guy.

Joe Public, with or without steroids.

Trying to make good, yet failing miserably along the way.

Being tempted, and spectacularly succumbing.

Desperate for approval, longing for adulation; searching for meaning, but looking in all the wrong places.

Nevertheless, invariably admired/respected/adored by someone, somewhere despite it all.

No barriers to human feelings – though our hatred is random, we love who we love.

Knowing this to be true, then, might we take a shot at kindness?

Discover the rarely recorded wonders of compassion and understanding?

At home, work, play; whilst socialising, and especially during that onslaught of ‘social media downtime’ when shock/horror/outrage translate most naturally to censure?

We could, instead, ponder possible ‘whys’ and ‘ifs’ as opposed to racing to condemn.

I'd speak of specks, logs and the many uses of coal, but that's a whole other reflection far too close to home.

For now, I'll stick with less judgement, more empathy!

Manageable, laudable, loving goals.


📖 Those people are on a dark spiral downward. But if you think that leaves you on the high ground where you can point your finger at others, think again. Every time you criticize someone, you condemn yourself. It takes one to know one. Judgmental criticism of others is a well-known way of escaping detection in your own crimes and misdemeanors. But God isn’t so easily diverted. He sees right through all such smoke screens and holds you to what you’ve done.

Romans 2:1‭-‬2 MSG (YouVersion)‬‬‬

📖 Above all else, have fervent ahavah among yourselves, for AHAVAH KOL PEYSHA'IM T'CHASSEH (love covers all wrongs).

1 Kefa (Peter) 4:8 TOJB2011 (YouVersion)

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