Mene Mene Tekel Parsin

Who remembers their student days?! When you'd just thrown the ultimate party, seen the last guests off, and settled down on the sofa to reminisce with your housemates... Only to hear a thunderous snore, and in-between snorts, discover the class bore behind it - spluttering the kind of stuff you'd hesitate to say in a confessional box.



Some unwanted guests you could sober up with three triple espressos and then usher out congenially.

With others, it took time to make them understand that not only was the party over, but that they needed to find their coat and shoes and go home.

There's always one, huh!!


A bit like Saul.

As many as ten years passed between God's rejection of the once anointed king, and David - his successor - being able to ascend the throne. Saul's sheer inability to accept his culpability and shuffle into early retirement caused much havoc, and many lives were lost in totally unnecessary ego-fuelled battles.


It shouldn't be rocket science.

Job over. Go.

Yet it continues to baffle autocrats, fading monarchs, and military dictators the world over.

The continuous common thread, of course, is a failure to look past their circle of sycophants, observe the zeitgeist, and see the writing on the wall.


Or just plain watch the (FAKE) news and see how poverty, racism, murder, bullying and misogyny - to name but a few - have blighted people's lives and left them without dignity or hope, and crying out to God for help.


So, Donald - I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and guess you'd pack up and leave if you had a clue. But since you don't, here we are and there you go.


And knowing your Aramaic isn't half as good as the infantile language you spew forth on a regular basis, allow me to translate what even Belshazzar didn't fail to miss. Numbered. Weighed. Divided.


Bye, Felicia...👀








We Will Live To Tell Our Stories


The How of Why