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Good, But Not God

When I went to Bible School, it was with the express idea of getting to know God better. I imagined sitting rapt in class whilst the lecturers explained exactly what God meant in every obscure book of the Bible; then afterwards groups of us students would sit in the library poring over multiple translations and commentaries as we divided the Word over strong black coffee...

Ha! Was I wrong!!

Though not about all of it.

There were brilliant lectures and some great study groups. But the really awesome moments didn't occur after a discourse on grace vs works, or a debate on which of the Gospels was the most relevant. They didn't surface when we were able to answer particularly difficult questions with aplomb, or when we aced exams and assignments.

The poignant connection to the living God came when least expected.

It was in spontaneous worship and heartfelt informal prayer. It was in standing awkwardly on street corners and explaining who and what Jesus was.

It was in encouraging and being encouraged in far-flung places by ordinary people who might never write a 5000-word essay but to whom had been given a word in season.

It was in realising that anything to do with God is first seasoned and marinated in the deep recesses of the heart before it finds structure and discipline in the head.

I found God not in study and analysis, but in people and personal revelation. As unexpectedly as He met with a hated yet curious Zacchaeus - perched precariously in the branches of a Sycamore tree; rescued a forlorn Hagar - contemplating certain starvation and death in the wilderness; and chose Paul, a man best described as on a suicide mission, to spread His gospel.

It was illogical and inexplicable and kicked me so far out of my comfort zone I almost ran for permanent cover. But the thing about wonder is that it is pretty hard to resist.

The prophet Isaiah puts it so eloquently:

"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."*

Even more prodigious is the fact that the word 'wonderful' here translates from the Hebrew as "too difficult to understand"**, which brings me full circle.

I attempted to learn in my own strength that which only Jesus could impart. Some words work best on paper, others on the lips of the Anointed One. Some speeches draw great applause, and others mysteriously attack all of our senses, burrowing down into our very souls.

Sooooo, was I wrong about needing to learn more about the Triune God? Oh, no! About the best method? Oh yes!!

Bible School delivered big time; just not in the way I thought it would. No dictionary or concordance necessary!!!

I found that God's essence shone through on every page, and that it all boiled down to love.


Available to all.

Free and without measure.

Good news indeed.

*Luke 19:1-10

**Genesis 16

***Acts of the Apostles 9

****Isaiah 9:6 NLT
