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From IM to I'M

Adding a prefix to a word invariably changes its whole meaning. And as these grammatical attachments are, by nature, descriptive, a two-to-five letter minor alteration can have major connotations. Positive and negative.

For example, Collins English Dictionary says of IM-:

"it is added to words that begin with 'm', 'p', or 'b' to form words with the opposite meaning."

And therein lies the rub.

In the natural, this sounds completely logical. However, in the spiritual, I'd call this twistiness personified. Whereby anything good is distorted, contorted and perverted to make us doubt God and His promises.

Which are still yes and amen.

In this wise, those who trust in God are immovable.

But as for some of the other IMs - time to put a strike through them.

Through impossible, improbable, impractical and imperfect.

Knowing that God doesn't make mistakes...

Understanding that miracles are never run-of-the-mill...

Making our faith the better part of likelihood...

Peacefully yet expectantly leaving the impossible to God.

Because as Eh-yeh Asher Eh-yeh* He's really rather good at it!


📖 For the word of God will never fail.”

Luke 1:37 NLT (YouVersion)

📖 Moses stretched his arm over the sea, and the Lord sent a strong east wind that blew all night until there was dry land where the water had been. The sea opened up…

Exodus 14:21 CEV (YouVersion)

*Eh-yeh Asher Eh-yeh means "I Am That I Am", "I Am Who I Am", "I Will Be What I Will Be", "I Will Become What I Choose To Become" (all phonetic transliterations of the Hebrew words אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה‎ in Exodus 3:14)

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