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Switching Things Up

There is a running narrative that the reason why women do not make progress in the workplace - or the marketplace in general - is that we do not support each other.

That might well be.

It's a tough old world out there, and competition is more prevalent in glass buildings than on an arena's turf.

My argument is that tournaments began in the latter for good reason.

Out in the open, everyone battling the same elements with no other advantage than their natural God-given ones. And you can't get fairer than that.

So what if "an equal playing field" is nothing more than a desperate slogan dreamed up during a mad-menesque overnighter?

It should be true, and therefore we could join hands in working towards this reality.

How to start?

Encourage someone else today.

Whether you believe in what they're doing or not. One kind word could make a difference to whether they decide to forge ahead regardless of the obstacles, or simply pack it in.

Be the somebody that you need, because somewhere down the line, there is a person waiting in line to do the same for you.



📖 Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God’s hand for that person.

Proverbs 3:27‭ MSG

💬 @hosanna.wong Speaker•Author•Spoken Word Artist

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