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Whoever invented doughnuts deserves a culinary award. Whilst it's true that like much of the junk we feed ourselves they have next to no nutritional value, they unerringly hit the spot!

Having embarked on a healthy-living quest which sadly involves donning imaginary blinkers when walking past those temples of doom known as pâtisseries, I find myself looking forward to the tempting morsels served up at functions.

Savvy caterers have craftily whittled down every forbidden delight into melt-in-your-mouth canapés which collectively add up to about 10x more than one regrettable lapse walking past Crosstown’s, but hey...après seemingly never-ending seminars and workshops, sugar is essential.

Sugar rocks.

Not in vast amounts, of course. In creamy white chocolate, lemon drizzle muffins, triple espressos...you catch my drift! 😉

Seriously though, the thing about its total deliciousness is that aside from dangerously providing a zillion unwanted calories, it takes the edge off just about everything - which, like excessive comfort, has a certain drawback.

There is false security in a sweetness so syrupy it can envelope us in a feathered cloud, temporarily blinding us to the unpalatable and keeping us in places and situations we either had no business in or should have moved on from.

Like most folks, I spent many a long day last year lying around thinking about life. The decisions I'd made - for good or ill - and how God had worked behind the scenes to aid or thwart my choices. And whatever plight came to mind, I saw His inexorable hand.

The thing is though, before I came anywhere close to those conclusions, I had to take a sledgehammer to all the frosting standing guard around my poor judgement. And it was very hard work, as along the way I had swapped honeycomb for cane; natural outcomes for unnecessary toil; impatience for faithfulness.

However, God being God, had countered all the sour with such compassion it near took my breath away just thinking about it.

Still does.

The bad stuff that happens to us is inevitably countered with good, though maybe not in clothes we immediately recognise.

Tunnel-vision only helps when we're avoiding temptation. To see what God is doing needs a 360° scan involving all of our spiritual discernment.

Perhaps the reason why we're partial to the tang of citrus fruits in desserts is that they provide inestimable balance.

Lemons, huh!

Sometimes the tartest make the best lemonade. Bittersweet, yet ultimately refreshing. I can live with that!!


📖 Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the steps you take to get there.

Proverbs 16:9 TPT (YouVersion)

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