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When you open your eyes

What do you see?

Is it the

Unadulterated present?

Or do reflections

Of inadequacy and doubt

Highlighting the unbearable

And belonging to

Times gone by

Grab you by the heels

Pulling you down into a

Never-ending spiral of

Blame and shame?

When your world is awry

And bleak is a way of life;

When countless

Bad experiences

Cloud your potential

And block the path

To a tenable future;

Refuse to let

A noonday shadow -

Looming large

But in reality

Inconsequential -

Gather momentum

And derail you.

What we see

In those terrifying moments

Is much less important

Than everything

We don't.

That the past

Is way back there

For good reason.

Because memories

Were meant

To grow hazy with time

Releasing us

To taste the future

Unburdened and unafraid...

Thus leaving us to face


In all its glorious clarity,

With all its hope displayed,

The gateway

To our many


‘Do not be afraid,’ the prophet answered him. ‘There are more people with us than there are with them.’ Then Elisha prayed and he said, ‘ Lord. Open the eyes of my servant so that he can see the angels.

And the Lord opened the eyes of the servant. And he looked. And he saw that the hills round Dothan were full of horses and chariots. The chariots seemed to be on fire. They were God's servants, and they were all round Elisha.

2 Kings 6:16‭-‬17 EASY

Marion Tinsley (1927-1995) - a lay preacher considered the greatest checkers player who ever lived.